######################### LaueTools Modules ######################### Browse Modules and Functions ============================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search` Modules for Laue Pattern Simulation ====================================== The following modules are used to compute Laue pattern from grain (or crystal) structural parameters and 2D plane detector geometry: - `CrystalParameters.py` defines structural parameters describing the crystal. It includes orientation matrix and strain operators. - `lauecore.py` contains the core procedures to compute all Laue spots properties. - `LaueGeometry.py` handles the 2D plane geometry set by the detector position and orientation with respect to sample and incoming direction. - `multigrainsSimulator.py` allows to simulate an assembly of grains, some of them according to a distribution of grains. This module is called by the graphical user interface (LaueSimulatorGUI) which provides all arguments in an intuitive way. .. toctree:: Simulation_Module.rst Modules for Digital Image processing, Peak Search & Fitting ============================================================= .. toctree:: PeakSearchGUI.rst PeakSearch.rst Modules for Laue Pattern Indexation ===================================================== Modules for Crystal unit cell refinement ===================================================== Modules for batch processing =====================================================