Basics of Laue Pattern peak search and Unit cell Refinement =========================================================== This Notebook is a part of Tutorials on LaueTools Suite. -------------------------------------------------------- Author: J.-S. Micha Last Revision: August 2019 tested with python3 **Objectives** - Load and display Laue pattern images - Perform a Peak Search - Perform the indexation of a Laue spots list - Perform the crystal orientation and unit cell refinement Setting absolute path to LaueTools Modules if Lauetools has not been installed with pip. It is assumed that this notebook is located in a subfolder (normally Notebooks) .. code:: ipython3 LaueToolsCode_Folder = '..' import sys,os abspathLaueTools =os.path.abspath(LaueToolsCode_Folder) print('abspathLaueTools',abspathLaueTools) sys.path.append(LaueToolsCode_Folder) .. parsed-literal:: abspathLaueTools /home/micha/LaueToolsPy3/LaueTools .. code:: ipython3 import LaueTools LaueTools.__file__ .. parsed-literal:: '/home/micha/LaueToolsPy3/LaueTools/' .. code:: ipython3 #%matplotlib inline %matplotlib notebook import time,copy,os # Third party modules import matplotlib # graphs and plots import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # numerical arrays # LaueTools modules import LaueTools.IOLaueTools as IOLT # read and write ASCII file (IO) import LaueTools.readmccd as RMCCD # read CCD and detector binary file, PeakSearch methods .. parsed-literal:: LaueToolsProjectFolder /home/micha/LaueToolsPy3/LaueTools .. parsed-literal:: /home/micha/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`. from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters .. parsed-literal:: module Image / PIL is not installed Cython compiled module 'gaussian2D' for fast computation is not installed! module Image / PIL is not installed Considering single image analysis (that belong to the LaueTools distribution) .. code:: ipython3 t0 = time.time() LaueToolsExamplesFolder = os.path.join(LaueToolsCode_Folder,'Examples') imageindex = None imagefolder =os.path.join(LaueToolsCode_Folder,'LaueImages') imagefilename = 'Ge_blanc_0000.mccd' #imagefolder =os.path.join(LaueToolsCode_Folder,'LaueImages') #imagefilename = 'CdTe_I999_03Jul06_0200.mccd' Considering analysis of one image in dataset **For information:** select image file of interest, in case of set of images with index. Then, splitting imagefilename allows to loop over images: prefix+index.extension .. code:: ipython3 %%script false # just to show (cell not executed) imagefolder ='/home/micha/LaueProjects/VO2/ToScript/Data_VO2' prefixfilename= 'CT30_' imageindex=20 imagefilename = prefixfilename+'%04d.mccd'%imageindex print("imagefilename :",imagefilename) # you should see: imagefilename : CT30_0020.mccd **Read image file, get data and display it** Function ``readCCDimage()`` returns ``dataimage`` as a 2D numpy array with the proper dimensions and orientation given by ``framedim`` and the geometrical transformations labelled by ``fliprot`` .. code:: ipython3 print('Displaying %s\n'%imagefilename) dataimage, framedim, fliprot = RMCCD.readCCDimage(imagefilename,dirname=imagefolder,CCDLabel='MARCCD165') fullpathimagefile= os.path.join(imagefolder,imagefilename) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,4)) ax.imshow(dataimage,vmin=0,vmax=2000) ax.set_title('%s'%imagefilename) .. parsed-literal:: Displaying Ge_blanc_0000.mccd nb elements 4194304 framedim (2048, 2048) framedim nb of elements 4194304 .. parsed-literal:: .. raw:: html .. parsed-literal:: Text(0.5,1,'Ge_blanc_0000.mccd') ***peaksearch*** is performed in two main steps: - 1) blobs or local maxima finder - 2) for blob, refinement starting from blob average center. For the first step, ``readCCDimage()`` is called to obtain raw data if no different data array is provided with the argument ``Data_for_localMaxima`` (set to ``None`` by default). After second step, Peaksearch results can be purged from peaks already present in a file as an optional argument ``Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile``. .. code:: ipython3 import os ti1= time.time() #blacklistedpeaksfile=os.path.join(folder,'Blacklist.dat') blacklistedpeaksfile = None res=RMCCD.PeakSearch(fullpathimagefile,CCDLabel='MARCCD165', return_histo=0,local_maxima_search_method=0, IntensityThreshold=200, boxsize=5, fit_peaks_gaussian=1, FitPixelDev=10, Data_for_localMaxima=None,#newdataimage, Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile=blacklistedpeaksfile) tps =time.time() print("peak search time",tps-ti1) .. parsed-literal:: CCDLabel: MARCCD165 nb of pixels (4194304,) nb elements 4194304 framedim (2048, 2048) framedim nb of elements 4194304 image from filename ../LaueImages/Ge_blanc_0000.mccd read! Read Image. Execution time : 0.006 seconds Data.shape for local maxima (2048, 2048) Using simple intensity thresholding to detect local maxima (method 1/3) len(peaklist) 82 Local maxima search. Execution time : 0.336 seconds Keep 82 from 82 initial peaks (ready for peak positions and shape fitting) ***************** 82 local maxima found Fitting of each local maxima addImax False nb elements 4194304 framedim (2048, 2048) framedim nb of elements 4194304 framedim in readoneimage_manycrops (2048, 2048) fitting time for 82 peaks is : 0.2039 nb of results: 82 After fitting, 0/82 peaks have been rejected due to (final - initial position)> FitPixelDev = 10 0 spots have been rejected due to negative baseline 0 spots have been rejected due to much intensity 0 spots have been rejected due to weak intensity 0 spots have been rejected due to small peak size 0 spots have been rejected due to large peak size ToTake {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81} len(ToTake) 82 82 fitted peak(s) Removing duplicates from fit 82 peaks found after removing duplicates (minimum intermaxima distance = 5) peak search time 0.5514366626739502 **Spots properties**: peak\_X, peak\_Y, peak\_I, peak\_fwaxmaj, peak\_fwaxmin, peak\_inclination, Xdev, Ydev, peak\_bkg, Ipixmax, Spots are sorted by intensity (according to the 2D gaussian fit) .. code:: ipython3 peaklist=res[0] print('Digital Spots properties for the 5 most intense spots') print(peaklist[:6]) .. parsed-literal:: Digital Spots properties for the 5 most intense spots [[ 6.231334887002143e+02 1.657728161614024e+03 2.979937967247360e+04 8.515577956136006e-01 7.511212178165599e-01 1.820409415704489e+01 1.334887002143432e-01 -2.718383859764799e-01 2.966046444454810e+02 2.000000000000000e+02] [ 1.244326205473488e+03 1.662150473603958e+03 2.242563070589073e+04 6.977180389301006e-01 6.390759549880105e-01 1.293529253564775e+02 3.262054734875619e-01 1.504736039580621e-01 1.998717405717028e+02 2.000000000000000e+02] [ 9.330365915823824e+02 1.215440948340315e+03 2.219753607623998e+04 7.846021988134166e-01 7.862341648303387e-01 3.246533552343026e+02 3.659158238235705e-02 4.409483403153445e-01 2.110241433113940e+02 2.000000000000000e+02] [ 5.852254505694141e+02 5.887990375606668e+02 9.528825561251553e+03 7.791458064142315e-01 7.399755695034808e-01 1.068330480796285e+02 2.254505694140789e-01 -2.009624393332388e-01 1.501265419627265e+02 2.000000000000000e+02] [ 1.276607259246803e+03 6.002998208781320e+02 9.153971543092421e+03 8.153699693677648e-01 8.035243472697837e-01 8.044575533084571e+01 -3.927407531973586e-01 2.998208781319818e-01 1.324821469609317e+02 2.000000000000000e+02] [ 9.326643784727646e+02 7.500763813513167e+02 6.940078500922347e+03 7.065049204848781e-01 7.482895847319173e-01 8.063512928783894e+00 -3.356215272353893e-01 7.638135131674062e-02 1.317606341369902e+02 2.000000000000000e+02]] .. code:: ipython3 print('X, Y pixel refinement positions for the first 5 spots') peaklist[:5,:2] .. parsed-literal:: X, Y pixel refinement positions for the first 5 spots .. parsed-literal:: array([[ 623.1334887002143, 1657.7281616140235], [1244.3262054734876, 1662.150473603958 ], [ 933.0365915823824, 1215.4409483403153], [ 585.2254505694141, 588.7990375606668], [1276.6072592468026, 600.299820878132 ]]) *add markers to image* .. code:: ipython3 if len(peaklist)<=1: raise ValueError #datatoplot=newdataimage datatoplot = dataimage fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(datatoplot,vmin=0,vmax=1000,cmap='hot') from matplotlib.patches import Circle F=plt.gcf() axes=F.gca() F.get_dpi() defaultSize=F.get_size_inches() F.set_size_inches(defaultSize*1.5) # delete previous patches: axes.patches = [] # rebuild circular markers largehollowcircles = [] smallredcircles = [] # correction only to fit peak position to the display offset_convention = np.array([1, 1]) XYlist = peaklist[:, :2] - offset_convention for po in XYlist: large_circle = Circle(po, 7, fill=False, color='b') center_circle = Circle(po, .5 , fill=True, color='r') axes.add_patch(large_circle) axes.add_patch(center_circle) largehollowcircles.append(large_circle) smallredcircles.append(center_circle) .. parsed-literal:: .. raw:: html **List of peaks props is written in a file with extension .dat, here the variable is ``datfilename``** .. code:: ipython3 if imageindex is not None: peaklistprefix=prefixfilename+'cor_%04d'%imageindex else: peaklistprefix=imagefilename.split('.')[0]+'Notebook' print('peaklist.shape',peaklist.shape) print("fullpathimagefile",fullpathimagefile) print('imagefolder',imagefolder) RMCCD.writepeaklist(peaklist,peaklistprefix,outputfolder=imagefolder,initialfilename=fullpathimagefile) datfilename = peaklistprefix+'.dat' .. parsed-literal:: peaklist.shape (82, 10) fullpathimagefile ../LaueImages/Ge_blanc_0000.mccd imagefolder ../LaueImages table of 82 peak(s) with 10 columns has been written in /home/micha/LaueToolsPy3/LaueTools/LaueImages/Ge_blanc_0000Notebook.dat Now indexing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ geometry calibration parameters ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Either you fill manually the dict of parameters or you read a file .det .. code:: ipython3 # detector geometry and parameters as read from Geblanc0000.det calibration_parameters = [70.775, 941.74, 1082.57, 0.631, -0.681] CCDCalibdict = {} CCDCalibdict['CCDCalibParameters'] = calibration_parameters CCDCalibdict['framedim'] = (2048, 2048) CCDCalibdict['detectordiameter'] = 165. CCDCalibdict['kf_direction'] = 'Z>0' CCDCalibdict['xpixelsize'] = 0.07914 # CCDCalibdict can also be simply build by reading the proper .det file print("reading geometry calibration file") CCDCalibdict=IOLT.readCalib_det_file(os.path.join(imagefolder,'Geblanc0000.det')) CCDCalibdict['kf_direction'] = 'Z>0' .. parsed-literal:: reading geometry calibration file calib = [ 7.07760e+01 9.41760e+02 1.08244e+03 6.29000e-01 -6.85000e-01 7.91400e-02 2.04800e+03 2.04800e+03] matrix = [ 0.995829 -0.071471 -0.056709 0.012247 0.720654 -0.693187 0.09041 0.689602 0.718523] **creation of a .cor file containing accurate scattering angles thanks to detector geometry parameters** Only list of spots with scattering angles can be indexed. In LaueTools .dat file contains only X, Y pixel positions, .cor file contains in addition 2theta and chi scattering angles, and .fit file in addition indexed results properties (such as h, k, l, energy, grain index ...) .. code:: ipython3 import LaueTools.LaueGeometry as LTGeo LTGeo.convert2corfile(datfilename, calibration_parameters, dirname_in=imagefolder, dirname_out=imagefolder, CCDCalibdict=CCDCalibdict) corfilename = datfilename.split('.')[0] + '.cor' fullpathcorfile = os.path.join(imagefolder,corfilename) .. parsed-literal:: Entering CrystalParameters ******---*************************** nb of spots and columns in .dat file (82, 3) file :../LaueImages/Ge_blanc_0000Notebook.dat containing 82 peaks (2theta chi X Y I) written in ../LaueImages/Ge_blanc_0000Notebook.cor create instance of an objet spotsset class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ipython3 import LaueTools.indexingSpotsSet as ISS DataSet = ISS.spotsset() DataSet.importdatafromfile(fullpathcorfile) .. parsed-literal:: Cython compiled module for fast computation of Laue spots is not installed! Cython compiled 'angulardist' module for fast computation of angular distance is not installed! Using default module Cython compiled module for fast computation of angular distance is not installed! module Image / PIL is not installed CCDcalib in readfile_cor {'dd': 70.776, 'xcen': 941.76, 'ycen': 1082.44, 'xbet': 0.629, 'xgam': -0.685, 'xpixelsize': 0.07914, 'ypixelsize': 0.07914, 'CCDLabel': 'MARCCD165', 'framedim': [2048.0, 2048.0], 'detectordiameter': 162.07872, 'kf_direction': 'Z>0', 'pixelsize': 0.07914} CCD Detector parameters read from .cor file CCDcalibdict {'dd': 70.776, 'xcen': 941.76, 'ycen': 1082.44, 'xbet': 0.629, 'xgam': -0.685, 'xpixelsize': 0.07914, 'ypixelsize': 0.07914, 'CCDLabel': 'MARCCD165', 'framedim': [2048.0, 2048.0], 'detectordiameter': 162.07872, 'kf_direction': 'Z>0', 'pixelsize': 0.07914} .. parsed-literal:: True .. code:: ipython3 DataSet.getUnIndexedSpotsallData()[:3] .. parsed-literal:: array([[ 0.0000000e+00, 5.8426915e+01, 2.0130035e+01, 6.2313000e+02, 1.6577300e+03, 2.9799380e+04], [ 1.0000000e+00, 5.7634672e+01, -1.8415523e+01, 1.2443300e+03, 1.6621500e+03, 2.2425630e+04], [ 2.0000000e+00, 8.0919846e+01, 6.6158100e-01, 9.3304000e+02, 1.2154400e+03, 2.2197540e+04]]) ***Set parameters for indexation: Ge, maximum energy*** All materials are listed in dict\ in dict\_Materials. You can edit/modify the module (then a restart of the kernel is necessary) .. code:: ipython3 emin=5 # emax can be lowered for large unit cell indexation (but greater than BM32 highest energy is meaningless) emax=22 # key of materials key_material='Ge' dict_indexrefine = {# recognition angle parameters from two sets A and B 'AngleTolLUT': 0.5, 'nlutmax':3, 'central spots indices': [0,1,2,3,4], # spots set A 'NBMAXPROBED': 10, # spots set B 'MATCHINGRATE_ANGLE_TOL': 0.2, # refinement parameters (loop over narrower matching angles) 'list matching tol angles':[0.5,0.2,0.1], # minor parameters 'MATCHINGRATE_THRESHOLD_IAL': 100, 'UseIntensityWeights': False, 'nbSpotsToIndex':10000, 'MinimumNumberMatches': 3, 'MinimumMatchingRate':3 } # grainindex=0 DataSet = ISS.spotsset() DataSet.pixelsize = CCDCalibdict['xpixelsize'] DataSet.dim = CCDCalibdict['framedim'] DataSet.detectordiameter = CCDCalibdict['detectordiameter'] DataSet.kf_direction = CCDCalibdict['kf_direction'] DataSet.key_material = key_material DataSet.emin = emin DataSet.emax = emax **Before launching the indexation procedure you may want to check a solution found elsewhere or sometimes ago. Then fill ``previousResults`` as shown below** .. code:: ipython3 #CheckFirstThisMatrix=np.array([[-0.44486058225058 , 0.098996190230096 ,-0.897868909077371],[-0.883970521873963,0.1130536332378 , 0.462465547362675], # [ 0.143878606007886, 0.993706753289519 , 0.035064809225047]]) # nb of matrices, list of matrices to check, dummy parameter, dummy parameter #previousResults = 1,[CheckFirstThisMatrix],50,50 previousResults = None **Then launch indexation by specifying some arguments of the method ``IndexSpotsSet``:** :: - nbGrainstoFind: nb of grains of this material you want to find - set_central_spots_hkl: imposed miller indices [h,k,l] of central spots (set A of spots) else : None ... .. code:: ipython3 t0 =time.time() DataSet.IndexSpotsSet(fullpathcorfile, key_material, emin, emax, dict_indexrefine, None, use_file=1, # read .cor file and reset also spots properties dictionary IMM=False,LUT=None,n_LUT=dict_indexrefine['nlutmax'],angletol_list=dict_indexrefine['list matching tol angles'], nbGrainstoFind=1, # nb of grains of the same material in this case set_central_spots_hkl=[0,1,1], # set hkl of spots of set A MatchingRate_List=[10, 10, 10,10,10,10,10,10], # minimum matching rate figure to keep on looping for refinement verbose=0, previousResults=previousResults, # check before the orientation if not None corfilename=corfilename) # write unindexed spots list in a .cor file DataSet.writecorFile_unindexedSpots(corfilename=corfilename, dirname=imagefolder, filename_nbdigits=4) # write .fit file of indexed spots belonging to grain #0 DataSet.writeFitFile(0,corfilename=corfilename,dirname=imagefolder) tf = time.time()-t0 .. parsed-literal:: CCDcalib in readfile_cor {'dd': 70.776, 'xcen': 941.76, 'ycen': 1082.44, 'xbet': 0.629, 'xgam': -0.685, 'xpixelsize': 0.07914, 'ypixelsize': 0.07914, 'CCDLabel': 'MARCCD165', 'framedim': [2048.0, 2048.0], 'detectordiameter': 162.07872, 'kf_direction': 'Z>0', 'pixelsize': 0.07914} CCD Detector parameters read from .cor file CCDcalibdict {'dd': 70.776, 'xcen': 941.76, 'ycen': 1082.44, 'xbet': 0.629, 'xgam': -0.685, 'xpixelsize': 0.07914, 'ypixelsize': 0.07914, 'CCDLabel': 'MARCCD165', 'framedim': [2048.0, 2048.0], 'detectordiameter': 162.07872, 'kf_direction': 'Z>0', 'pixelsize': 0.07914} self.pixelsize in IndexSpotsSet 0.07914 ResolutionAngstromLUT in IndexSpotsSet False Remaining nb of spots to index for grain #0 : 82 ****** start to index grain #0 of Material: Ge ****** providing new set of matrices Using Angles LUT template matching nbspots 82 NBMAXPROBED 10 nbspots 82 set_central_spots_hkl [0, 1, 1] Central set of exp. spotDistances from spot_index_central_list probed self.absolute_index [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81] spot_index_central_list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] [0 1 2 3 4] LUT is None when entering getOrientMatrices() set_central_spots_hkl [0, 1, 1] set_central_spots_hkl is not None in getOrientMatrices() set_central_spots_hkl [0 1 1] set_central_spots_hkl.shape (3,) case: 1a set_central_spots_hkl_list [[0 1 1] [0 1 1] [0 1 1] [0 1 1] [0 1 1]] cubicSymmetry True LUT_tol_angle 0.5 *---****------------------------------------------------* Calculating all possible matrices from exp spot #0 and the 9 other(s) hkl in getOrientMatrices [0 1 1] using LUTspecific LUTspecific is None for k_centspot_index 0 in getOrientMatrices() hkl1 in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() [0 1 1] Computing hkl2 list for specific or cubic LUT in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() Calculating LUT in PlanePairs_from2sets() Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (0, 2): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (0, 6): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (0, 9): calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [0, 2] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [0, 6] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [0, 9] *---****------------------------------------------------* Calculating all possible matrices from exp spot #1 and the 9 other(s) hkl in getOrientMatrices [0 1 1] using LUTspecific LUTspecific is not None for k_centspot_index 1 in getOrientMatrices() hkl1 in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() [0 1 1] Using specific LUT in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (1, 2): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (1, 7): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (1, 9): calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [1, 2] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [1, 7] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [1, 9] *---****------------------------------------------------* Calculating all possible matrices from exp spot #2 and the 9 other(s) hkl in getOrientMatrices [0 1 1] using LUTspecific LUTspecific is not None for k_centspot_index 2 in getOrientMatrices() hkl1 in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() [0 1 1] Using specific LUT in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (2, 0): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (2, 1): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (2, 9): calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [2, 0] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [2, 1] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [2, 9] *---****------------------------------------------------* Calculating all possible matrices from exp spot #3 and the 9 other(s) hkl in getOrientMatrices [0 1 1] using LUTspecific LUTspecific is not None for k_centspot_index 3 in getOrientMatrices() hkl1 in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() [0 1 1] Using specific LUT in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (3, 7): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (3, 8): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (3, 9): calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [3, 7] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [3, 8] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [3, 9] *---****------------------------------------------------* Calculating all possible matrices from exp spot #4 and the 9 other(s) hkl in getOrientMatrices [0 1 1] using LUTspecific LUTspecific is not None for k_centspot_index 4 in getOrientMatrices() hkl1 in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() [0 1 1] Using specific LUT in matrices_from_onespot_hkl() Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (4, 6): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (4, 8): Looking up planes pairs in LUT from exp. spots (4, 9): calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [4, 6] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [4, 8] calculating matching rates of solutions for exp. spots [4, 9] ----------------------------------------- results: matrix: matching results [ 0.071442298339536 -0.056791122889477 -0.995826674863109] res: [94.0, 135.0] 0.005 69.63 [-0.720597705663885 -0.693247631822884 -0.012110638459969] spot indices [0 9] [-0.689608632382347 0.718518569419943 -0.090393581312322] planes [[-2.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0]] [ 0.071284911945937 -0.056791915954001 -0.995837908301915] res: [93.0, 134.0] 0.006 69.40 [-0.720581964957976 -0.693265307713712 -0.012035152592104] spot indices [1 9] [-0.68968586701208 0.718453369664079 -0.09032253573791 ] planes [[-1.0, 2.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0]] [-0.071331310042019 -0.995834915200135 -0.056786141584281] res: [93.0, 134.0] 0.005 69.40 [ 0.720561755804718 -0.012058289359476 -0.693285910522741] spot indices [2 9] [ 0.689652960030445 -0.090345399841628 0.718482082900264] planes [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0]] [-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] res: [94.0, 135.0] 0.006 69.63 [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] spot indices [3 9] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983] planes [[2.0, 3.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0]] [ 0.071340651481789 -0.056823338834159 -0.995832124210648] res: [94.0, 135.0] 0.005 69.63 [-0.720605825766681 -0.693235936569283 -0.012295532523216] spot indices [4 9] [-0.689563524109094 0.718557247109645 -0.090430242974657] planes [[-1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0]] Number of matrices found (nb_sol): 5 set_central_spots_hkl in FindOrientMatrices [0, 1, 1] Merging matrices keep_only_equivalent = False sorting according to rank rank [0 4 3 2 1] ----------------------------------------- results: matrix: matching results [ 0.071442298339536 -0.056791122889477 -0.995826674863109] res: [ 94. 135.] 0.005 69.63 [-0.720597705663885 -0.693247631822884 -0.012110638459969] [-0.689608632382347 0.718518569419943 -0.090393581312322] [ 0.071340651481789 -0.056823338834159 -0.995832124210648] res: [ 94. 135.] 0.005 69.63 [-0.720605825766681 -0.693235936569283 -0.012295532523216] [-0.689563524109094 0.718557247109645 -0.090430242974657] [-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] res: [ 94. 135.] 0.006 69.63 [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983] [-0.071331310042019 -0.995834915200135 -0.056786141584281] res: [ 93. 134.] 0.005 69.40 [ 0.720561755804718 -0.012058289359476 -0.693285910522741] [ 0.689652960030445 -0.090345399841628 0.718482082900264] [ 0.071284911945937 -0.056791915954001 -0.995837908301915] res: [ 93. 134.] 0.006 69.40 [-0.720581964957976 -0.693265307713712 -0.012035152592104] [-0.68968586701208 0.718453369664079 -0.09032253573791 ] Nb of potential orientation matrice(s) UB found: 5 [[[ 0.071442298339536 -0.056791122889477 -0.995826674863109] [-0.720597705663885 -0.693247631822884 -0.012110638459969] [-0.689608632382347 0.718518569419943 -0.090393581312322]] [[ 0.071340651481789 -0.056823338834159 -0.995832124210648] [-0.720605825766681 -0.693235936569283 -0.012295532523216] [-0.689563524109094 0.718557247109645 -0.090430242974657]] [[-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983]] [[-0.071331310042019 -0.995834915200135 -0.056786141584281] [ 0.720561755804718 -0.012058289359476 -0.693285910522741] [ 0.689652960030445 -0.090345399841628 0.718482082900264]] [[ 0.071284911945937 -0.056791915954001 -0.995837908301915] [-0.720581964957976 -0.693265307713712 -0.012035152592104] [-0.68968586701208 0.718453369664079 -0.09032253573791 ]]] Nb of potential UBs 5 Working with a new stack of orientation matrices MATCHINGRATE_THRESHOLD_IAL= 100.0 has not been reached! All potential solutions have been calculated taking the first one only. bestUB object ---------------refining grain orientation and strain #0----------------- refining grain #0 step -----0 bestUB True it is an OrientMatrix object Orientation matrix [[-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983]] ***nb of selected spots in AssignHKL***** 82 UBOrientMatrix [[-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983]] For angular tolerance 0.50 deg Nb of pairs found / nb total of expected spots: 81/147 Matching Rate : 55.10 Nb missing reflections: 66 grain #0 : 81 links to simulated spots have been found ***********mean pixel deviation 0.2522039400422887 ******** Initial residues [0.191356096913678 0.158479888122211 0.125984922997516 0.007464331088751 0.220920883122328 0.065197410024489 0.405464259132319 0.079769518806149 0.309835172580193 0.024815180122634 0.146635771529913 0.197926454567734 0.253815574123594 0.241517985294699 0.301875442673439 0.217498144625921 0.186026257638361 0.152430964466482 0.022468745875909 0.372498387808433 0.225884815274198 0.155682523936061 0.308213213363587 0.354423361607117 0.237793437184287 0.344146246502948 0.117700835663451 0.22732103372742 0.263538267437741 0.133994037769124 0.091015982918167 0.367309714380722 0.359174426753832 0.281533512444384 0.191021625928391 0.219461033259323 0.371983339466526 0.3512796731268 0.298580209240117 0.447936020775024 0.160438308161376 0.631208433750478 0.420060120050684 0.195238104695171 0.051118832992816 0.159003375870547 0.354123955360538 0.049380652521924 0.301744705672337 0.127112320459672 0.082920786835417 0.19281838475986 0.130182524243209 0.332360152782496 0.533160923855596 0.276782907418236 0.125265672564509 0.184320173657227 0.238789408490181 0.149666955002009 0.473603697641706 0.235878500572685 0.425250385266374 0.445829965130009 0.255853120078437 0.271987274130697 0.298711159306184 0.310382741777609 0.228936459666657 0.374245425300233 0.100039587285176 0.096572087547537 0.196098380129156 0.140612883827292 0.338936919946618 0.526244208385607 0.190627233723994 0.629487817359844 0.233333060530866 0.316852495355672 0.61336433904477 ] --------------------------------------------------- *************************** first error with initial values of: ['b/a', 'c/a', 'a12', 'a13', 'a23', 'theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3'] *************************** ***********mean pixel deviation 0.2522039400422887 ******** *************************** Fitting parameters: ['b/a', 'c/a', 'a12', 'a13', 'a23', 'theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3'] *************************** With initial values [1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] code results 1 nb iterations 189 mesg Both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most 0.000000 strain_sol [ 9.999862096544356e-01 9.999941276097474e-01 -7.144700897145182e-06 5.728542645493929e-05 1.242229382006964e-05 2.977984275077042e-05 -1.953472667313407e-03 6.919002586889341e-03] ************** End of Fitting - Final errors ****************** ***********mean pixel deviation 0.18215488925149526 ******** devstrain, lattice_parameter_direct_strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] [ 5.657509728355469 5.657578574250457 5.657522951317707 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] For comparison: a,b,c are rescaled with respect to the reference value of a = 5.657500 Angstroms lattice_parameter_direct_strain [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] devstrain1, lattice_parameter_direct_strain1 [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] new UBs matrix in q= UBs G (s for strain) strain_direct [[ 1.719550237533340e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 1.388845576189013e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 3.998638790081444e-06]] deviatoric strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] new UBs matrix in q= UBs G (s for strain) strain_direct [[ 1.719550237533340e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 1.388845576189013e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 3.998638790081444e-06]] deviatoric strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] For comparison: a,b,c are rescaled with respect to the reference value of a = 5.657500 Angstroms lattice_parameter_direct_strain [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] final lattice_parameters [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] UB and strain refinement completed True it is an OrientMatrix object Orientation matrix [[-0.071478224945242 -0.995814588672313 -0.056724144676328] [ 0.720639310822985 -0.012262885888099 -0.693156594892675] [ 0.689613233174427 -0.090416539541802 0.718545890295648]] ***nb of selected spots in AssignHKL***** 82 UBOrientMatrix [[-0.071478224945242 -0.995814588672313 -0.056724144676328] [ 0.720639310822985 -0.012262885888099 -0.693156594892675] [ 0.689613233174427 -0.090416539541802 0.718545890295648]] For angular tolerance 0.50 deg Nb of pairs found / nb total of expected spots: 81/147 Matching Rate : 55.10 Nb missing reflections: 66 grain #0 : 81 links to simulated spots have been found GoodRefinement condition is True nb_updates 81 compared to 6 refining grain #0 step -----1 bestUB True it is an OrientMatrix object Orientation matrix [[-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983]] ***nb of selected spots in AssignHKL***** 82 UBOrientMatrix [[-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983]] For angular tolerance 0.20 deg Nb of pairs found / nb total of expected spots: 81/147 Matching Rate : 55.10 Nb missing reflections: 66 grain #0 : 81 links to simulated spots have been found ***********mean pixel deviation 0.2522039400422887 ******** Initial residues [0.191356096913678 0.158479888122211 0.125984922997516 0.007464331088751 0.220920883122328 0.065197410024489 0.405464259132319 0.079769518806149 0.309835172580193 0.024815180122634 0.146635771529913 0.197926454567734 0.253815574123594 0.241517985294699 0.301875442673439 0.217498144625921 0.186026257638361 0.152430964466482 0.022468745875909 0.372498387808433 0.225884815274198 0.155682523936061 0.308213213363587 0.354423361607117 0.237793437184287 0.344146246502948 0.117700835663451 0.22732103372742 0.263538267437741 0.133994037769124 0.091015982918167 0.367309714380722 0.359174426753832 0.281533512444384 0.191021625928391 0.219461033259323 0.371983339466526 0.3512796731268 0.298580209240117 0.447936020775024 0.160438308161376 0.631208433750478 0.420060120050684 0.195238104695171 0.051118832992816 0.159003375870547 0.354123955360538 0.049380652521924 0.301744705672337 0.127112320459672 0.082920786835417 0.19281838475986 0.130182524243209 0.332360152782496 0.533160923855596 0.276782907418236 0.125265672564509 0.184320173657227 0.238789408490181 0.149666955002009 0.473603697641706 0.235878500572685 0.425250385266374 0.445829965130009 0.255853120078437 0.271987274130697 0.298711159306184 0.310382741777609 0.228936459666657 0.374245425300233 0.100039587285176 0.096572087547537 0.196098380129156 0.140612883827292 0.338936919946618 0.526244208385607 0.190627233723994 0.629487817359844 0.233333060530866 0.316852495355672 0.61336433904477 ] --------------------------------------------------- *************************** first error with initial values of: ['b/a', 'c/a', 'a12', 'a13', 'a23', 'theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3'] *************************** ***********mean pixel deviation 0.2522039400422887 ******** *************************** Fitting parameters: ['b/a', 'c/a', 'a12', 'a13', 'a23', 'theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3'] *************************** With initial values [1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] code results 1 nb iterations 189 mesg Both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most 0.000000 strain_sol [ 9.999862096544356e-01 9.999941276097474e-01 -7.144700897145182e-06 5.728542645493929e-05 1.242229382006964e-05 2.977984275077042e-05 -1.953472667313407e-03 6.919002586889341e-03] ************** End of Fitting - Final errors ****************** ***********mean pixel deviation 0.18215488925149526 ******** devstrain, lattice_parameter_direct_strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] [ 5.657509728355469 5.657578574250457 5.657522951317707 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] For comparison: a,b,c are rescaled with respect to the reference value of a = 5.657500 Angstroms lattice_parameter_direct_strain [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] devstrain1, lattice_parameter_direct_strain1 [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] new UBs matrix in q= UBs G (s for strain) strain_direct [[ 1.719550237533340e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 1.388845576189013e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 3.998638790081444e-06]] deviatoric strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] new UBs matrix in q= UBs G (s for strain) strain_direct [[ 1.719550237533340e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 1.388845576189013e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 3.998638790081444e-06]] deviatoric strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] For comparison: a,b,c are rescaled with respect to the reference value of a = 5.657500 Angstroms lattice_parameter_direct_strain [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] final lattice_parameters [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] UB and strain refinement completed True it is an OrientMatrix object Orientation matrix [[-0.071478224945242 -0.995814588672313 -0.056724144676328] [ 0.720639310822985 -0.012262885888099 -0.693156594892675] [ 0.689613233174427 -0.090416539541802 0.718545890295648]] ***nb of selected spots in AssignHKL***** 82 UBOrientMatrix [[-0.071478224945242 -0.995814588672313 -0.056724144676328] [ 0.720639310822985 -0.012262885888099 -0.693156594892675] [ 0.689613233174427 -0.090416539541802 0.718545890295648]] For angular tolerance 0.20 deg Nb of pairs found / nb total of expected spots: 81/147 Matching Rate : 55.10 Nb missing reflections: 66 grain #0 : 81 links to simulated spots have been found GoodRefinement condition is True nb_updates 81 compared to 6 refining grain #0 step -----2 bestUB True it is an OrientMatrix object Orientation matrix [[-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983]] ***nb of selected spots in AssignHKL***** 82 UBOrientMatrix [[-0.071391558888759 -0.995830258190095 -0.056792096214888] [ 0.720671448854468 -0.012140732995851 -0.693170444701969] [ 0.689588625514858 -0.090412962995124 0.718535332243983]] For angular tolerance 0.10 deg Nb of pairs found / nb total of expected spots: 81/147 Matching Rate : 55.10 Nb missing reflections: 66 grain #0 : 81 links to simulated spots have been found ***********mean pixel deviation 0.2522039400422887 ******** Initial residues [0.191356096913678 0.158479888122211 0.125984922997516 0.007464331088751 0.220920883122328 0.065197410024489 0.405464259132319 0.079769518806149 0.309835172580193 0.024815180122634 0.146635771529913 0.197926454567734 0.253815574123594 0.241517985294699 0.301875442673439 0.217498144625921 0.186026257638361 0.152430964466482 0.022468745875909 0.372498387808433 0.225884815274198 0.155682523936061 0.308213213363587 0.354423361607117 0.237793437184287 0.344146246502948 0.117700835663451 0.22732103372742 0.263538267437741 0.133994037769124 0.091015982918167 0.367309714380722 0.359174426753832 0.281533512444384 0.191021625928391 0.219461033259323 0.371983339466526 0.3512796731268 0.298580209240117 0.447936020775024 0.160438308161376 0.631208433750478 0.420060120050684 0.195238104695171 0.051118832992816 0.159003375870547 0.354123955360538 0.049380652521924 0.301744705672337 0.127112320459672 0.082920786835417 0.19281838475986 0.130182524243209 0.332360152782496 0.533160923855596 0.276782907418236 0.125265672564509 0.184320173657227 0.238789408490181 0.149666955002009 0.473603697641706 0.235878500572685 0.425250385266374 0.445829965130009 0.255853120078437 0.271987274130697 0.298711159306184 0.310382741777609 0.228936459666657 0.374245425300233 0.100039587285176 0.096572087547537 0.196098380129156 0.140612883827292 0.338936919946618 0.526244208385607 0.190627233723994 0.629487817359844 0.233333060530866 0.316852495355672 0.61336433904477 ] --------------------------------------------------- *************************** first error with initial values of: ['b/a', 'c/a', 'a12', 'a13', 'a23', 'theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3'] *************************** ***********mean pixel deviation 0.2522039400422887 ******** *************************** Fitting parameters: ['b/a', 'c/a', 'a12', 'a13', 'a23', 'theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3'] *************************** With initial values [1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] code results 1 nb iterations 189 mesg Both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most 0.000000 strain_sol [ 9.999862096544356e-01 9.999941276097474e-01 -7.144700897145182e-06 5.728542645493929e-05 1.242229382006964e-05 2.977984275077042e-05 -1.953472667313407e-03 6.919002586889341e-03] ************** End of Fitting - Final errors ****************** ***********mean pixel deviation 0.18215488925149526 ******** devstrain, lattice_parameter_direct_strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] [ 5.657509728355469 5.657578574250457 5.657522951317707 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] For comparison: a,b,c are rescaled with respect to the reference value of a = 5.657500 Angstroms lattice_parameter_direct_strain [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] devstrain1, lattice_parameter_direct_strain1 [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] new UBs matrix in q= UBs G (s for strain) strain_direct [[ 1.719550237533340e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 1.388845576189013e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 3.998638790081444e-06]] deviatoric strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] new UBs matrix in q= UBs G (s for strain) strain_direct [[ 1.719550237533340e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 1.388845576189013e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 3.998638790081444e-06]] deviatoric strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] For comparison: a,b,c are rescaled with respect to the reference value of a = 5.657500 Angstroms lattice_parameter_direct_strain [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] final lattice_parameters [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] UB and strain refinement completed True it is an OrientMatrix object Orientation matrix [[-0.071478224945242 -0.995814588672313 -0.056724144676328] [ 0.720639310822985 -0.012262885888099 -0.693156594892675] [ 0.689613233174427 -0.090416539541802 0.718545890295648]] ***nb of selected spots in AssignHKL***** 81 UBOrientMatrix [[-0.071478224945242 -0.995814588672313 -0.056724144676328] [ 0.720639310822985 -0.012262885888099 -0.693156594892675] [ 0.689613233174427 -0.090416539541802 0.718545890295648]] For angular tolerance 0.10 deg Nb of pairs found / nb total of expected spots: 81/147 Matching Rate : 55.10 Nb missing reflections: 66 grain #0 : 81 links to simulated spots have been found GoodRefinement condition is True nb_updates 81 compared to 6 --------------------------------------------- indexing completed for grain #0 with matching rate 55.10 --------------------------------------------- writing fit file ------------------------- for grainindex= 0 self.dict_grain_matrix[grain_index] [[-0.071478224945242 -0.995814588672313 -0.056724144676328] [ 0.720639310822985 -0.012262885888099 -0.693156594892675] [ 0.689613233174427 -0.090416539541802 0.718545890295648]] self.refinedUBmatrix [[-0.071478224945242 -0.995814588672313 -0.056724144676328] [ 0.720639310822985 -0.012262885888099 -0.693156594892675] [ 0.689613233174427 -0.090416539541802 0.718545890295648]] new UBs matrix in q= UBs G (s for strain) strain_direct [[ 1.719550237533340e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 1.388845576189013e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 3.998638790081444e-06]] deviatoric strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] new UBs matrix in q= UBs G (s for strain) strain_direct [[ 1.719550237533340e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 1.388845576189013e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 3.998638790081444e-06]] deviatoric strain [[-4.815998025634964e-06 5.250997004746657e-06 -2.870284279887629e-05] [ 5.250997004746657e-06 7.352907498721824e-06 -9.199263307200638e-06] [-2.870284279887629e-05 -9.199263307200638e-06 -2.536909473086861e-06]] For comparison: a,b,c are rescaled with respect to the reference value of a = 5.657500 Angstroms lattice_parameter_direct_strain [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] final lattice_parameters [ 5.6575 5.657568845776604 5.6575132229395 90.0010541881893 90.00328909016345 89.99939828842365 ] File : written in /home/micha/LaueToolsPy3/LaueTools/notebooks Experimental experimental spots indices which are not indexed [] Missing reflections grainindex is -100 for indexed grainindex 0 within angular tolerance 0.500 Remaining nb of spots to index for grain #1 : 1 81 spots have been indexed over 82 indexing rate is --- : 98.8 percents indexation of ../LaueImages/Ge_blanc_0000Notebook.cor is completed for the 1 grain(s) that has(ve) been indexed as requested Leaving Index and Refine procedures... Saving unindexed fit file: ../LaueImages/Ge_blanc_0000Notebook_unindexed.cor File : ../LaueImages/ written in /home/micha/LaueToolsPy3/LaueTools/notebooks .. code:: ipython3 print('Indexation time %.3f second(s) \n\n'%tf) print('Spots properties of the 10 first spots that have been indexed (sorted by intensity)') print('#spot 2theta chi X, Y intensity h k l energy') print(DataSet.getSpotsFamilyallData(0)[:10]) .. parsed-literal:: Indexation time 2.487 second(s) Spots properties of the 10 first spots that have been indexed (sorted by intensity) #spot 2theta chi X, Y intensity h k l energy [[ 0.000000000000000e+00 5.842691500000000e+01 2.013003500000000e+01 6.231300000000000e+02 1.657730000000000e+03 2.979938000000000e+04 4.000000000000000e+00 2.000000000000000e+00 2.000000000000000e+00 1.099874517758171e+01] [ 1.000000000000000e+00 5.763467200000000e+01 -1.841552300000000e+01 1.244330000000000e+03 1.662150000000000e+03 2.242563000000000e+04 2.000000000000000e+00 2.000000000000000e+00 4.000000000000000e+00 1.113626245226060e+01] [ 2.000000000000000e+00 8.091984600000001e+01 6.615810000000000e-01 9.330400000000000e+02 1.215440000000000e+03 2.219754000000000e+04 3.000000000000000e+00 3.000000000000000e+00 3.000000000000000e+00 8.773642495456929e+00] [ 3.000000000000000e+00 1.168117220000000e+02 2.128975200000000e+01 5.852300000000000e+02 5.888000000000000e+02 9.528830000000000e+03 4.000000000000000e+00 6.000000000000000e+00 2.000000000000000e+00 9.626187155122841e+00] [ 4.000000000000000e+00 1.159585970000000e+02 -2.073868400000000e+01 1.276610000000000e+03 6.003000000000000e+02 9.153969999999999e+03 2.000000000000000e+00 6.000000000000000e+00 4.000000000000000e+00 9.671066779127555e+00] [ 5.000000000000000e+00 1.097624120000000e+02 3.270820000000000e-01 9.326600000000000e+02 7.500800000000000e+02 6.940080000000000e+03 3.000000000000000e+00 5.000000000000000e+00 3.000000000000000e+00 8.784305505382406e+00] [ 6.000000000000000e+00 9.664626300000000e+01 -3.623969200000000e+01 1.596620000000000e+03 9.353600000000000e+02 6.136730000000000e+03 1.000000000000000e+00 5.000000000000000e+00 5.000000000000000e+00 1.047621498150968e+01] [ 7.000000000000000e+00 9.807526100000000e+01 3.749168800000000e+01 2.523600000000000e+02 9.206000000000000e+02 5.635550000000000e+03 5.000000000000000e+00 5.000000000000000e+00 1.000000000000000e+00 1.036136430057910e+01] [ 8.000000000000000e+00 6.421410100000000e+01 -1.397936600000000e+01 1.168360000000000e+03 1.512820000000000e+03 5.570320000000000e+03 3.000000000000000e+00 3.000000000000000e+00 5.000000000000000e+00 1.351813316448898e+01] [ 9.000000000000000e+00 9.620103100000000e+01 -4.831242900000000e+01 1.945880000000000e+03 9.142200000000000e+02 5.317320000000000e+03 0.000000000000000e+00 4.000000000000000e+00 4.000000000000000e+00 8.328162135695869e+00]] DataSet is an object with many attributes and methods related to spots properties (indexed or not, belonging to grains counted from zero). By press Tab key after having typed DataSet. can show you infos about spots .. code:: ipython3 DataSet.B0matrix .. parsed-literal:: array([[ 1.767565178965975e-01, -2.842461599074922e-17, -2.842461599074922e-17], [ 0.000000000000000e+00, 1.767565178965975e-01, -1.082321519352500e-17], [ 0.000000000000000e+00, 0.000000000000000e+00, 1.767565178965975e-01]])